l o a d i n g


Dec 04 2022

How Much Does the Average Contractor Make a Year

As a professional, one important factor to keep in mind when writing an article on this topic is to use specific keywords that people are likely to search for. For example, someone might search for “average salary for contractors” or “how much do contractors make per year.” It`s important to include these phrases in your article to increase its visibility in search engines.

Now, let`s dive into the topic at hand. How much does the average contractor make a year? The answer to this question can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, including the type of work the contractor performs, their experience level, their location, and more.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for construction and extraction occupations (which includes many types of contractors) was $47,430 as of May 2020. However, it`s important to note that this figure represents a wide range of salaries, with some contractors making significantly more and others making less.

For example, a highly skilled contractor with years of experience and a specialization in a sought-after field like electrical or plumbing may be able to command a much higher salary than someone who is just starting out in a less specialized field. Similarly, a contractor working in a high-cost-of-living area like New York City or San Francisco may earn more than someone working in a smaller, less expensive city.

It`s also worth noting that many contractors are self-employed or work as part of a small business, which can impact their earnings. Self-employed contractors may have more expenses to cover, such as insurance and equipment costs, which can eat into their profits.

Ultimately, there`s no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much the average contractor makes per year. It`s important for contractors to do their research, understand the local job market, and price their services competitively to ensure they earn a fair wage for their work.
