l o a d i n g


May 01 2023

Value of a Futures Contract Formula

Are you interested in trading commodities or financial assets? If so, you may have heard of futures contracts. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price and date in the future. The value of a futures contract formula is an essential tool for traders to understand the pricing and potential profitability of these contracts.

The futures contract formula determines the price of the contract, which is based on the underlying asset`s current market price, interest rates, and time to expiration. The formula takes into account the cost of carry, which refers to the expenses incurred in holding the asset until the contract`s expiration.

Traders use the value of a futures contract formula to make informed decisions on whether to buy or sell a futures contract, as well as to determine the potential profit or loss of the trade. By understanding the formula, traders can identify opportunities to profit from price movements in the underlying asset and manage their risk.

For example, let`s say a trader is interested in trading crude oil futures. The current market price for crude oil is $60 per barrel, and the futures contract expires in three months. Using the value of a futures contract formula, the trader can determine the fair price for the futures contract based on the current market price, interest rates, and time to expiration.

Let`s assume the cost of carry for crude oil is $2 per barrel per month. The fair price for the futures contract would be calculated as follows:

Fair price = current market price + cost of carry

Fair price = $60 + ($2 x 3)

Fair price = $66 per barrel

If the trader believes that the price of crude oil will increase above $66 per barrel in the next three months, they may decide to buy the futures contract. If, on the other hand, they believe the price will decline below $66 per barrel, they may decide to sell the futures contract.

By understanding the value of a futures contract formula, traders can make more informed decisions, minimize their risks, and potentially profit from price movements in the underlying asset. It is an essential tool for any trader looking to participate in the futures market.
